Gennadyi I.Nevelskoi was born in the 5th of December in 1813 in Kostromskoi Region in an old noboliary family. He got a military education in a Maritime Cadet School. After graduating he entered an officer class and finished his education in 1836 as the lieutenant. He served on a Baltic Fleet under the head of Ph.P. Litke till 1846, that year G.I.Neveskoi navigated about Europe and in 1847 he became the commander of a military transport “Baikal”. He sailed on this ship across the Atlantic and the Pacific oceans to Petropavlovsk- Kamchatskyi.
Wishing to explore the Amur which didn’t belong to Russia Gennadyi I.Nevelskoi applied to the Head of the Eastern Siberia N.N. Muraviev. Expedition of Gennadyi I.Nevelskoi left Petropavlovsk and reached the Sakhalin from the north in the 30th of May in 1849 without any permission of the Governor. Gennadyi I.Nevelskoi proved that the Sakhalin was an island and the Amur was suitable for navigation. Gennadyi I.Nevelskoi was hardly to avoid the penalty of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and he returned to the Russian Far East in 1850. Gennadyi I.Nevelskoi headed the expedition to the Sakhalin in 1853. He declared all explored territories Russian having joined PriAmurskyi region to Russia. The activity of Gennadyi I.Nevelskoi had a great political and economical significance.
Wide Far Eastern region was joined to Russia according to the contracts with China in 1858-1860. Gennadyi I.Nevelskoi was promoted to contr-admiral in 1854. Then he was appointed as the head of maritime forces in 1855. During two years Gennadyi I.Nevelskoi was making instructions for ships’captains who intended to go to the Far East. At that time he began his book “Feats of Russian Marine Offices on extreme East of Russia”. His book “PriAmurskyi and Priussuriiskyi regions”was published by his wife after his death. Gennadyi I.Nevelskoi was promoted to admiral in 1874.
Gennadyi I.Nevelskoi died in the 27th of April in 1876. 8 geographical places have the name of Gennadyi I.Nevelskoi. According to the order 165 of Sea Fleet Minister from September 16, 1965 Vladivostok Higher Engineer Maritime College was renamed into Far Eastern Higher Engineer Maritime College named after adm. G.I. Nevelskoi.